
Telur Tiga Suku

Last night there was this little conversation between me and my little sister Lily. It went like this:

Lily: Kakak, boleh ke makan telur tak masak? 

Me: Boleh je kalau kau tahan.

Lily: Adik nak makanlah. Maa, buatkan adik telur tiga suku!

Mak: Amboii, mak tengah sibuk buat kerja ni!

Lily: Alaa, buat laa.. Adik nak makan telur tiga suku.

Me: Lily! Tak payah mintak bukan-bukan malam-malam ni. Orang banyak kerja nak buat!

Lily: Alaaa...

Tapi dia terus je diam lepastu, and kitorang tengok cerita 3 Idiots dengan gembira.

Keesokan paginya, aku baru lepas mandi and Lily baru je bangun dari tidur.

Lily: Maa, buatkan adik telur tiga suku.

Me: -____-"

Mak: *diam je*

All is well.


I Is Happy

Haritu masa balik kampung 3 hari dua malam, banyak benda nak cerita. Bukan nak cerita sangat lah, lebih kepada banyak benda yang terlintas di fikiran. Tapi sekarang dah takde mood nak tulis pasal semua benda-benda tu. Semalam pergi Bukit Cerakah dengan family. Takde apa sangat pun situ, kecuali rumah 4 musim yang sekarang tengah musim sejuk. Masuk semalam dah 3 kali pergi. Dua kali pergi dengan housemates. Tapi pergi dengan family jugak paling seronok. Mungkin sebab semalam jalan kaki je dengan adik aku dari tempat tunggu bas sampai rumah 4 musim tu. Tunggu bas macam hampeh lama -___-" 

Ohh ya, ada sekor burung kakak tua ni yang menarik perhatian aku dan adik beradik aku. Dia boleh cakap 'HELLO' dan 'ASSALAMUALAIKUM' dan 'APA KHABAR', boleh joget bila kitorang pasang lagu, terlampau cerdik. Rasa nak bela. 

Lepastu, adik aku belanja mekdi malam tadi. Walaupun aku rasa bersalah, tapi sebab aku jahat aku order paling mahal muahaha. Tenkiu adik. 

Ni adik yang belanja. Yang kiri tu. Kanan tu kakak yang jahat haha. Dan pendek, shit.

Ze family. Sorang gi berak, haha. Tapi bukan aku. Aku ambik gambar =,=

Adik yang berak kekekekeke.

Perempuan malu-malu beruk.

Okdahbaaaaiiii !


I'm a warrior


I wanna be a warrior who can fight away the pain.
The pain that is you.

Lukisan dikala bosan takde internet connection. Lukisan waktu depress sorang-sorang tanpa sebab haha. Second artwork is actually meant for someone. Lepas borak dengan kau kat telefon tetiba dapat ilham lukis lelaki aneh ni. Aku harap kau sedar diri kau siapa hehehehe. Chiaow!


Tahu Yang Tak Tahu

Dia duduk menghadap tingkap kaca yang separa terkuak itu, menongkat dagu dengan tangan kirinya di atas meja kayu tempat dia bergelumang dengan ilmu. Hujan di luar turun renyai-renyai. Awan mendung menyelubungi bumi bagai memahami isi hatinya. Dia mengeluh kesal.

"Aku minta maaf."

"Maaf saja tak cukup. Hati aku sudah alah terhadap kata maaf." 

Lelaki di dalam memorinya itu kelihatan tak keruan seketika. Seperti mahu marah, seperti mahu mengucapkan sesuatu, dia juga tidak pasti. Yang pasti, airmatanya sudah mengalir deras membasahi pipi. Walaupun minda egonya meronta-ronta agar tangisan itu berhenti, namun ia tewas dengan emosi yang lebih menguasai.

"Tolong bagi aku lagi satu peluang."

"Peluang apa lagi yang kau mahu? Berapa kali peluang telah kau sia-siakan selama ini? Berapa kali lagi kau mahu seksa hati aku?"

"Aku sedar aku salah. Aku sedar selama ini aku banyak buat kau terluka. Aku minta kau maafkan aku, dan aku akan perbaiki semua kesilapan aku. Aku janji!"

Hujan lebat yang turun membasahi bercampur bersama airmatanya, menyembunyikan riak luka di wajahnya. Dia pilu mendengar ungkapan dari mulut lelaki itu. Sebak dan pilu.

"Aku tak percaya lagi pada janji kau, atau janji siapa-siapa pun. Janji itu dicipta untuk dimungkiri, bukan ditepati."

"Tolonglah...bagi aku satu lagi peluang."

"Maafkan aku, tapi kau sudah terlambat. Terima kasih sebab hadir dalam hidup aku."

Sebenarnya dia ingin menambah "..dan terima kasih kerana hancurkan aku." tetapi tidak terluah dari kerongkong. Dia menatap wajah lelaki itu sayu, dan dia lihat setitis airmata jantannya jatuh ke bumi. Selamat tinggal.

"Kita semua pernah lakukan kesilapan, dan kita semua diberi peluang untuk baiki kesilapan itu. Namun tak semua gunakan peluang tersebut sebaiknya. Manusia selalu alpa, tanpa menyedari peluang yang berlalu pergi takkan datang kembali. Simpan airmatamu itu, tak guna kau sesali apa yang telah berlaku. Aku yang berhati batu adalah kerana perbuatanmu. Aku yang sekarang, yang tegar tetapi rapuh, adalah kerana luka yang kau palitkan pada aku. Parut ini takkan berlalu, kekal sebagai memori untukmu. Hentikan saja rayuanmu. Buang aku jauh dari ingatanmu, aku sudah temui kehidupan baru. Kehidupan tanpamu. Dan aku akan tersenyum untuk semua."

I've been singing for you all this while. Finally, I've found my own song.


Yesterday Was Hell

Eksaited tu mula-mula je. Lama-lama takde apa dah.

Saje je nak menulis. Esok balik kampung takde internet connection. Nanti kempunan pulak rindu internet. Haha. Actually tak heran pun hidup tanpa internet, tapi bila dah ada tu gunakanlah sepenuhnya kan? Kehkeh.

"I wanna be yours, but I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what? Me?"

"No. I'm afraid of uncertainties."

P/s: Sejak kebelakangan ni memang suka tulis benda-benda random. Sowi people, sowi.
P/s2: Seriously takde kena mengena antara hidup dan mati. Serious.

More Babies

Maybe I am over-thinking things.

Malam tadi akibat letih yang melampau, aku tidur semahu-mahunya. Kerana hakikat aku taknak ke kelas lagi pagi ni, aku tidur dan merehatkan diri setelah dua hari tak tidur dengan sempurna. Ada assignment nak kena siapkan, tapi pedulikan. Tidur lebih penting. Hahaha penat sampai macam tu sekali. 

Before I went to bed, though, I was skype-ing with a friend. Dia tunjuk kat aku video kanak-kanak yang comel, lepastu kitorang cakap pasal nak culik budak tu lah apa lah. And I remembered I said "Aku nak bayi sekarang. Bagilah aku bayi sekarang." something like that. Sebenarnya aku mengantuk, and aku cakap macam tu tanpa berfikir. Bila aku fikir balik, sebenarnya it sounds wrong to be asking for a baby like that hahaha. Macam orang desperate pulak =___=

Yang sebenarnya, aku suka kanak-kanak. Aku teringin nak bela sorang baby yang aku boleh tengok hari-hari. Sayang hari-hari. Tapi after 6 or seven years is a different story. 

Anyway, yang aku nak sampaikan sebenarnya adalah, malam tadi aku mimpi. Mimpi tu realistik sebab aku terlalu penat. Dalam mimpi tu aku mengandung, taktau siapa ayah dia, tapi aku mengandung. Hahaha. I was so happy in that dream, by the way. Mungkin sebab dalam mimpi, bolehlah gembira taktau siapa ayah kehkehkeh. 

Orang kata kalau mimpi mengandung tandanya murah rezeki. Aku pun harap sangat macam tulah. Tapi ada kemungkinan jugak aku mimpi macam tu sebab kan perbualan antara aku dengan kawan aku tu. 

Siapa taknak bayi bagi sini meh.


"I have died everyday waiting for you..."

"You're annoying."

"And you're disgusting. You're the most nosy guy I've ever met!"

"Oh yeah? Do you really think so?"

"Hundred percent positive!"

"Well you're gonna have to bear with that. I'm gonna be around for awhile."

"Why do you always annoy the shit out of me? Can't you just leave me alone?!"

"As a matter of fact, I can. But I don't think you'll manage."

"What shit is that? I'm doing just fine without you."

"Fine. Goodbye."

"How's life?"

"Good. How about you?"

"Fine. Never been any better."

"Good to hear that."

"Maybe I didn't want you to go."

"Maybe it's already too late."


That Man

"Sometimes I think the sad songs were written for me..."

He was sitting in his room alone and facing the white canvas again. His hand busy dancing on the canvas with a brush, a palate of colour mixtures on the other. He could spend hours, maybe even days, doing all this. The paint had always been his medium of expressing his emotions. Whether were they pain, regret, disappointment, the paint always made him happy.

"We have to stop seeing each other."

He could still see those deep, sad eyes looking into his. They pierced into him like needles. They tore into his heart like a knife. That beautiful face that always looked pale, he secretly wished he could make them glow. His hand danced gracefully on the stained canvas. Stained with the colours of his heart. After a few strokes of his brush, a picture of those sad eyes were looking at him from the canvas. The same deep eyes. 

"You have always been my laughter machine. You never failed to make me happy."

There was a smile on her lips. A very painful smile. It wasn't painful because she did not mean it, it was painful because it was the truth. A painful truth for him as well. He still remembered how he felt as if his heart was beating very slowly. And as slow as the rhythm of his heart, his hand slowly painted those smile on the canvas. The smile he wished would never disappear.

"My parents want me to marry him."

            "Do you love him?"


    "Then, who do you really love?"

He still remembered the tears rolling down her cheeks and onto the ground below. He didn't like to see her that way, but there was nothing he could do. His heart was broken to pieces as well. He wanted to break down, but he didn't want her to see his tears. However, there, in front of the canvas, he didn't mind to shed his manly tears. Even though the beautiful picture forming in front of him was the same replica of that woman in his memories, he didn't mind if he cried now. She would never know his pain. Those eyes, although they were looking straight into him, they could not see his despair.

"You...I love you..."

He put down the brush and palate onto a small table underneath his work place and stood up. A portrait of a beautiful young lady was beaming towards him. She wore the most beautiful smile ever, and her eyes glowered with happiness. He couldn't help but smile back as he wiped the tears off his cheek. He loved to draw her that way. He loved to make the pale face look as bright as the sunshine. If he could, he would make it stay. 


But he was not for her. She was never his. 

"I hope you'll take care of yourself. Don't forget to smile when I'm gone. One day if you look back, I hope you remember me as that man who used to paint you with happiness."

Her smile will always be his.

*Entah kenapa dan dari mana :) *


Maaflah kalau sejak kebelakangan ni post emo emo. I am in a very fragile state.

Because this is my 100th post, I should post something significant I guess. Lets see....
I have no one special to dedicate this special post to, except for Jong Hoon baby, aww I love you handsome :') hahaha

Tapi tak fair dedicate dekat dia sorang je sebab aku sayang FT Island sama rata wuwuwu so I love you Treasure babies :'D hahaha. Tolong doakan aku dapat duit dari langit untuk pergi konsert diorang 14 Januari nanti please pretty please *mata bersinar-sinar* ! 

Sebab tak nak sedih-sedih, jadi gedik gedik dalam tulisan kali ni. Valid reason, right? Hahaha. I think I should go to sleep. Last night I only slept for an hour. Qada' tidur bak kata orang, haha. Busy days ahead. Very busy days. Byebye.

from Warner Music Japan's channel


99th post is not healthy

Wahai pembaca budiman, dipersilakan tekan butang X kat bucu sebelah atas kanan kalau taknak rasa negatif dan annoyed lepas baca entri ni. Sebenarnya takpayah baca please tolonglah takpayah.

#np - Frankenstein's Monster & Magneto's Theme Song, X-Men First Class OST. On replay.

Dah lama tak rasa marah sebab pekara yang kukuh. Pedulik laa benda tu takde kena-mengena dengan aku pun, tapi aku rasa rugi lah belajar tinggi-tinggi pergi overseas semua ni tapi jadi bodoh. Kau ni culture shock sebenarnya. Atau senang cerita kau lupa Tuhan. I'd do anything to be in your shoes, minus your stupidity. Huh!

Tak fahamlah kenapa kena post benda-benda marah ni dekat facebook. Buat orang macam aku jadi emo. Lepastu habis semua benda aku nak marah. Lepastu facebook ni macam b*bi jugak tiba tiba, haishoooo -__-" *gives middle  finger* Whyy laa everything wanna make me mad at the same time ?!

Why I write this? Because I feel like exploding already!!

Okay kanak-kanak, sila keluar ikut pintu sebelah kanan -___-" . Dah keluar jangan bawak apa-apa dari dalam ni keluar sama ya? Hmm.

Why U No?

Extremely quick update before I go to class.

Somebody gave me something new to listen to. That's one good thing on top of all the not-good things. Minggu ni ternyata memang bukan minggu paling bagus bagi aku. Got no money, got loads of work, but no means of making myself happy. Cepatlah minggu ni berlalu, aku tak kisah kalau terpaksa berhadapan dengan final exam daripada minggu yang sibuk ni.



Lagi dan lagi

Hai. Nama saya Tiq Hashim. Saya berumur 20 tahun 2 bulan hari ini. Saya anak sulung dari empat adik beradik yang penyayang. Saya tak suka marah-marah. Saya baik sanadd sanadd. Puiihh!

Takde kerja. Serious takde kerja haha. Ekceli emosi tak stabil lagi. Baru lepas telefon seseorang dan secara tiba tiba semua perasaan bercampur baur datang macam tsunami. Gedebushh amik kau! Baru ingat nak baca buku untuk test esok. Hmmm. Taktau nak rasa menyesal ke apa telefon orang tu. Tapi aku gembira sebenarnya, lama tak dengar khabar hahaha.

Hai orang, hebat lah kau ni. 

Sebenarnya tak faham dengan diri sendiri. Pelik pun ada. Aneh pun ada. Kadang-kadang boleh kawal apa yang kita rasa, kadang-kadang tak faham dengan perasaan sendiri. Kadang-kadang yakin yang aku tengah gembira, tapi tetiba nangis (hiperbola je harap maklum hahaha). Pernah rasa macam tu? Ke memang aku yang alien ni?

Taklahh aku gerenti ramai orang pernah macam tu. Ayat sedapkan hati. Haha.

Tak boleh ke hidup macam orang normal kejap? Kejap je.

Baby Baby Baby Ooo

Please lah tengok ni pleaseeeee !

Rasa nak mati sejuta lima ratus tujuh puluh enam kali :'D Soooo comell! Wuwuwuwu. Kenapalah kau dilahirkan comel budak ! And thank you Paan for drawing this portrait of her :D . Hehehe . Jeles dengan orang berbakat ni. Haishooo. Bila nak hebat macam ni?



Bila dah berjaya tulis satu entri, lepastu mesti rasa nak tulis banyak banyak entri hahahaha tamak tamak :P

My housemate dreamt of something this morning. And I was in that dream, as her main subject. Mimpi tu kelakar sebenarnya, tapi menusuk ke ladang gandum. Hahaha. Buat aku berfikir 10 juta kali walaupun time dia cerita aku gelak-gelak gembira. Well, who knows kan mungkin mimpi dia tu petanda buat aku? Muehehe :P

Choices aren't easy. Things in the past are your teachers. I, am afraid. I am afraid of making the wrong decision. Sebab tu lah, aku taknak buat apa-apa decision pun sekarang. Let time decide. My heart has been broken well enough. The best thing would be to let it heal first. 

"The most honest person is a child and a drunk." - Jumpa ni kat mana ntah tadi, lupa pulak. 

If I could have one wish, I would wish to become a child once more and tell you everything inside. If I was allowed to drink alcohol, I would get drunked one time and tell you everything I feel. 

P/s: FYI, I am not a child and I am not drunk right now, therefore I might not be honest in this post miahihi

Stop For Awhile

#np - Yesterday by The Beatles

Here goes nothing...

Tengahari tadi aku follow ibubapa pergi membeli-belah barang keperluan sekolah adik-adik. Sambil diorang dok pilih kasut sekolah, aku pandang je muka gembira diorang, almaklumlah nak dapat barang baru lah katakan. 

There were a lot of things that I noticed, like Wani's shoe size and uniform colours. I intentionally tried on one of her shoes, and guess what? It fits nicely. She's just 12, but I can fit into her shoes. Ni sebenarnya aku yang mengecil ke apa ni -___-" ?? Tahun depan dia dah mula alam sekolah menengah. Entah kenapa aku rasa takut untuk dia. Aku teringat macam-macam benda yang aku lalui masa zaman aku dulu, and aku tau dia pun akan lalui benda yang sama. Cume aku harap dia tak lakukan kesilapan-kesilapan yang aku pernah buatlah. Please be strong little sister.

And Lily. Rasa macam baru bulan lepas je dia belajar merangkak, berjalan, bercakap. Rasa macam baru minggu lepas pertama kali tengok dia ketawa. Eh, dah nak darjah satu dah? How you've grown, little sunshine :) And I was wondering, will you still be the Lily that always makes me smile when I'm sad, the Lily that keeps bugging me to let you watch Matluthfi's video on youtube, and the Lily who LOVES to annoy me when you're bored and when I'm watching TV -___-" 

Thinking of all this makes me feel old. In a few more years, I'm gonna have to leave family and start a life of my own. All the things I've never done before, I'm gonna have to do it. I've never liked uncertainties. Never. Time, why you move so fast??


Hi Stalker

I wanna write about something. But knowing there's SOMEONE reading your blog obsessively, makes you feel kinda.. err, shy perhaps? Wuwuwuwu -____-"

Kan dah cakap, I'm an extremely shy person. Lainkali kalau baca blog orang jangan bagitau hahahaha :D 



Cantik tak? Ini bukan aku lukis. Ini serious terkejut terkejut. Tiba tiba je dah ada, eh? Hahaha. Ada orang baik hati lukis diam diam. Tapi cantik. Lukisan ni cantik, perempuan tu biasa je. Cuba teka siapa perempuan tu? Hehehehe :P

P/s: Dah taktau dah apa yang aku rasa sebenarnya hahaha. 

Mix Tapes

It's been like what, a month? I guess so, though it only seemed like yesterday. Things with a lot of memories always don't seem to want to let you go, no matter how hard you run. But luckily I'm doing well with moving on. 

I don't like it when people put pressure on me when I'm confused and unsure. I don't want to make the wrong choice. I don't want to fall down hard again. 

Suddenly I feel like having a mix tape so I can give it to people so that they know how I feel about them. Mix tapes are cool. They look old school. And they are just cool. Hihi.

Rasa macam nak tukar pergi fakulti lain. Rasa macam nak pergi belajar kat induk tetiba.


Oh Baby Baby Jangan....

Sebab dah lama tak update maka tak dosa lah kan kalau update dua post dalam masa sehari. Sebenarnya takde apa nak cakap pun. Saje nak meluahkan perasaan yang terbuku di hati. Suara rockstar masih belum pulih lagi, and sekarang tambah dengan batuk pulak tanpa henti. Not funny at all -___-"

Anyway, tadi family pergi Wet World untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim sesama keluarga. Nenek, cousin2, makcik, semua ada. Aku je takde huwuuuu :'(

Paling tak kelakar, lepas dah balik dari bergembira, pegy tag gambar bayi comel kesayangan aku tengah mandi-manda kat facebook aku. Ini paling tak kelakar. Serious aku depressed kejap tadi. Tengok sendiri ya why I say it so...

Half of me died when I saw the third picture :') wuwuwuwu. Lainkali please jangan bawak bayi ni pergi berekreasi please. Or or or, kalau bawak pun please jangan tag gambar kat aku pleaseee! Geram gilaaaaa because I wasn't there and I only got to see pictures of her, obviously having fun! 

Hmm depressed balik dah. I miss you already, baby Ainul :'(

P/s: Ntah bila tekak ni nak sembuh. Seminggu dah ni :\


Don't Fall In Love

"...Don’t ever love
Heartbreak will surely come
It hurts to even breathe
I thought that this would only hurt
as much as I loved
But I was wrong.
It hurts a thousand times more

I’m afraid of living with my eyes open
Because I know I won’t see you even if I look for you
It seems better to fall asleep exhausted
After longing for you..."


Aunty Rockstar

Jarang Tiq update kan sekarang? Jarang macam gigi adik itteww yang bernama Lily. Kekeke. Kalau nak tahu perkembangan terbaru, sekarang I dah jadi rockstar. Yes, sebab I dah bersuara garau sekarang. Dalam erti kata lain, I hilang suara hahaha. Siot je. Haritu semorang batuk batuk hilang suara, harini sampai jugak giliran aku. Tak suka sebab buat aku rasa low self-esteem bila nak cakap dengan orang. Tapi best sebab suara macam rockstar hahaha.

Tapi itu je aku nak cerita. Paling siot kan? Hahaha :P Sorry lah, tak tahu lah nak cakap pasal apa sekarang. My life has been less exciting nowadays. Tunggu cuti-cutilah baru ada perkara gembira kot. Oh, except for the fact ada bayi dekat rumah sewa sekarang :D ! Itu je perkara paling gembira berlaku dalam hidup kami housemate sekalian sekarang ni. Taknak bagitau bayi tu siapa punya, tapi ada bayi yang keletah dan petah berceloteh. Ah, rezeki bayi. Tolonglah tinggal dengan kami selama-lamanya, dan jangan membesar hahaha.


I'm Finally Happy I Guess

Ini post selepas frasa merawat kesedihan di hati.

Being single for the first time after five years is awesome!! Ni serious tak tipu. Bagus sebenarnya single ni. Paling ketara adalah jumlah kredit yang tak berganjak setelah seminggu berlalu. Dan paling ketara tak perlu sentiasa kena mesej bagitau tengah buat apa kalau tak nak menimbulkan syak wasangka dan pergaduhan. Tak gitu?

Kehkeh. I don't think I need someone to replace him for the time being. I just want to enjoy my life, be friends with everyone. Mak cakap kalau betul dah takde boyfriend, dia dah ada calon menantu dia sendiri. Hahaha kelakar dengar benda cenggini dari mulut ibu sendiri. Tapi aku sebenarnya memberontak dengan hakikat ni. Benda yang Mak cakap tu. Aku tak suka orang plan benda untuk kehidupan aku. Aku yang nak kahwin ke, kau yang nak kahwin ni? Haha.

Well, tapi bila fikir balik, mesti Mak dah plan betul-betul kan? Takkan dia nak anak dia tak gembira pulak kan. Mother knows best. Jadi sekarang aku tak kisah kalau Mak ada calon ke tak, cuma lagi bagus kalau Mak tahu, anak Mak ni belum terbuka pintu hati sepenuhnya lagi haha. Ayat debat.

Mari buka buku baru di tahun yang baru! Start fresh everyone. Hugs


Debat 211 Jam UiTM

Pernah tengok Tiq berdebat? Tak pernah? Nak tengok Tiq dan kawan-kawan berdebat? Meh meh pergi sini

Tapi taknak bagitau bila slot aku hehehehe :P Tengok lah, ramai pendebat dari macam-macam tempat. Mana tahu ada orang yang korang kenal :) 

Aku dah berdebat satu slot semalam, ganti satu team yang tak dapat hadir. Esok dan lusa ada dua slot lagi. Fiuuu. Doakan kami !


Five Treasure Island

Sementara masih ada masa lapang ni, update kejap lah kan. Nanti dah start busy balik, apa pun tak dapat. 

Kehidupan sebagai pelajar amat meletihkan. Sekarang lah. Salah sendiri jugak, siapa suruh procrastinate. Tapi kalau tak procrastinate, tak pelajar lah wey hahaha. Tapi procrastinate time tak busy tak menjadi masalah. Masalahnya adalah procrastinate pada waktu yang ada banyaaaaaakkkk gila benda lain nak dibuat. Seperti debat 211 jam. Yes, I am a debater for debat 211 jam yang Fakulti Pendidikan UiTM anjurkan tu. Imagine life. So yummy is life nowadays hahaha.

Tak kelakar okay.

I've been depressed for a bit, but thanks to the friends I have around me, I don't feel it much. In fact, aku hampir tak perasan pun yang aku depressed. Thank you kawan-kawan. Luvyah! Dalam blog je berani luvyah luvyah, kalau depan-depan kurang macho hahahahaha.

Bila Tiq tetiba layan Korea secara obsessive, siap google up profile ahli kumpulan dan mengambil tahu blood type mereka (haha!), itu adalah sungguh aneh. Orang berdarah AB je buat macam tu kehkeh :P Hehe gurau je orang berdarah AB, semua orang pun boleh layan Korea. Cuma, it's aneh for me. Because I never liked K-Pop that much. Itulah sebenarnya petanda-petanda depression Tiq haha. 

Kenalkan FT Island. Inilah obsesi terbaru saya. Gitaris kiri sekali dan drummer mereka tu saya punya. Walaupun diorang muda setahun tapi pedulik lah. Walaupun Hawa cakap saya pedo sebab suka orang muda pedulik laaaaa. Hahahaha. 

Huish, dah tak rasa macam berada di blog sendiri bila post video K-Pop. Dah rasa macam dalam blog chunkachillas.blogspot.com. Aku salah blog ke sebenarnya ni ? hahaha. 

BTW, sila jangan kenalkan group lain-lain kat aku. Aku nak FT Island je. Sebab lagu2 diorang semua pasal break-up and putus cinta and ditinggalkan kekasih kehkeh takdelah just kidding. Oklah bye nak kena pergi berdebat sekarang. Luvyah haha.


Layout Makeover for Syanina

Ni template untuk blog adik Syanina kita. Simple je, sesimple orangnya. Peminat photography pulak tu! Kalau sayang sesama blogger, mari lah melawat ya. CLICK CLICK.

Nak tempah layout jugak? Full makeover blog RM15 ya. Header je RM5. Tak mahal pun perkhidmatan saya kehkehkeh. I am soo sleepy tak larat nya nak taip apa-apa. So busy these few weeks, sampai kering idea nak update blog. Byebye


I know, I shouldn't be writing about stuff that are supposed to be kept within my heart. But I don't know what else to do. I don't like this feeling anyway, so I hope by writing it out somewhere, I can let it go and let it be. 

How to start? 

Haha. Tahi lembu. Nak start macam mana pun tak reti dah. Now I already regret even starting to write this post. Dah berapa kali tulis dan padam, tulis dan padam. Rasa macam memalukan diri sendiri pulak hiuhiu.

Okay, sorry to all the people reading this post now, I guess you should just go elsewhere. Belog Hanis Zalikha ke, bermanfaat sikit kan. Tuan punya belog pun cantik. Go now, go. Bcoz this post is gonna be crap and null.


People say we are so close in distance, we have no trouble of seeing each other how frequent or how often we want. True. It used to be that way. Now, it's different. We don't have all the time in the world anymore. We also don't have all the money in the world, never had.

If you think I changed, you're damn right! I know that the bigger part of our 'distant' was me. But you helped build the me I am now. Apart of it has always been you.

I am sorry if we turned out growing apart from each other. I always try to overcome that difference that gradually started showing up, but soon, you know, I grew tired too. I grew tired of trying. And right now, I am hoping you take the burden from my shoulder and do something about us instead. Or no. Don't do anything and let's act as if we care.


Ciri Lelaki Idaman Tiq Hashim

Tagged by Fyfy Liew

Actually dah lama kena tag, tapi sibuk pula kebelakangan ni dgn esaimen dan projek macam-macam serta tempahan template blog lagi (Oh yes, another pending story omg -__-"). So without further ado harini aku nak jawab tag dari sahabat blogger aku yang sorang ni :D

1. Dulu masa zaman belum kenal realiti kehidupan, aku impikan lelaki yang sweet dan charming dan good looking yang boleh "sweep me off my feet". Impian cliche semua gadis-gadis remaja.

2. I've learnt my lesson hahaha. Taknak dah lelaki cliche. Tak wujud pun. I go for guys who will accept me as I am, no matter how silly or how unpretty or how childish I may be sometimes.

3. Lelaki yang sabar dan tak cepat baran, sebab dua ciri-ciri tu takde pada aku. And I nag a lot, and I love to argue, and I hate to lose jadi memang wajib sabar dan tak cepat baran haha.

4. Lelaki yang boleh gelak sikit bila aku cuba buat kelakar, sebab aku tak kelakar orangnya. 

5. Lelaki yang spontan. Dan tak terlalu childish. 

6. Spontan? Err, mcm mana nak terangkan eh? Spontan lah, yang tetiba je buat sesuatu out of no where tanpa fikir apa orang lain nak fikir pasal dia.

7. Sembahyang 5 waktu please. And knows the basics of Islam. He must be my guide, not the other way round kan?

8. Lelaki yang benci rokok hahaha. Ada tak?

9. Dah nombor sembilan? Erk bila nak habis ni. Err, apa lagi ek? Oh yaa, lelaki yang pandai main satu alat muzik at least. Piano lagi bagus, so nanti dah kahwin boleh suruh dia beli grand piano putih yang aku nak sangat dari dulu tu kihkih :P

10. Actually, aku suka lelaki yang full of surprises. Good surprises I mean. Macam tetiba je buat something yang aku tak expect bila time birthday or something like that. Comel kan kalau macam tu? Hmm.

11. Jap satu lagi boleh? Hehe. Lelaki yang berani berdepan dengan parents aku without having to be taught what to do. Ni sebenarnya patut ciri-ciri pertama tadi, tapi lupa pulak.

12. Oh okay ada lagi satu rupanya -__-". Lelaki tu mestilah faham aku and tak kritik apa yang aku suka sebab aku ada hak untuk suka apa yang aku suka walaupun dia tak suka benda tu. Hmfh!

Okdahbye kikiki :)


Free Blogger Template: Hello Marshmellow!

This is my latest template design, Hello Marshmellow! but my first from Saphyrea Art. It's basically based on, yeah you guessed it right, marshmallows because of my love towards that candy. Pretty colourful and sweet to the eye-sight, and blogger friendly too! The header title can be changed straight from the Page Elements section of blogger. Feel free to download coz it's free!

Note: Please do not remove the credits to tiqcakap.blogspot.com. The making of this template was not an easy task for a newbie like me, so it would be a pleasure if you give me some credentials for my work. And it would also make me happy if you leave a comment below leaving a link to your blog once you download my template. I would love to see my work of art on the use. Thank you :)

footnote: Saphyrea Art? Hehe nanti aku cerita :P


Sneak Peak

The Blue Pheonix


Al Fatihah

Saturday, 10.14 pm~
'Nak bagitau, ayah ** meninggal dunia'
from: Unknown number.

Aku dekat kampung masa tu, tengah duduk tengok TV, and my own dad was beside me. Very shocking news to me. But then, I thought it was only that.

Today, just got back from Pahang~
'Ayah kawan kau tu meninggal sebab accident. Ayah dia, kakak dia and adik bongsu dia, meninggal di tempat kejadian.'

Bukak facebook, baca post kawan-kawan. OMG.

He was my classmate during secondary school, not very close, but I used to see him every day. I used to see his dad too. Tak sangka betul. Serious tak sangka.

Bukan itu je.

'K slipped from the 10th floor'

Aku tak jumpa lagi berita kedua ni secara lengkap dan tepat, but it's a true story. He died too. And he was a classmate during Asasi TESL.

Nyawa boleh hilang sekelip mata, walau bukan nyawa kita. That means, nyawa kita pun bila-bila je boleh pergi.


A is for Apple

And so is Atiqah.

Today was one hectic day. Class all day until 6.30, got Mandarin test also, aiyaa! I even managed to go do a blood test to check my blood type, just for fun! Me and my housemates been talking about blood types and the common personality of the people with these different blood types. Because of these conversations we had, I felt a dire need to know my own blood type. 

Since I have never been hospitalized and I am not physically qualified to do blood donation, there has been no means for me to find out what type of blood do I contain in this thin little body of mine. 

So one of my housemates, Eja, caught fever for a few days now and worsening. We (Hawa, Zue, Apek and I) accompanied her to the Medical Center at the UiTM Main campus to get her some medicine. I know it makes no difference even if I know what type of blood I have, since I can't donate blood anyway for the time being. But out of eager curiosity, I asked the attendant at the counter if there was any way for me to simply check for my blood type. I know by the look from her face that it's not a regular thing for people to be coming just to check their blood type, but I was glad when she told me that I can do a blood grouping test to find that out. 

I paid RM5 for it and a received an injection between the joint on my right arm. Despite all the excitement of finally being able to precisely announce my blood group with pride, I have to admit that the effect was a little stinging. I took the blood test at about 4 o'clock, and I actually had another class at 5. Throughout that class, I couldn't even write properly. But that was because of the sedative. 

Anyway, this was the result that I anxiously waited for....

The point of this post is not to tell the whole world about my blood type. Even though I am literally doing it in a way. I am just telling you how eager I am towards things having to do with my own body, and even though I despise the sight of fresh blood spilling from your skin in a large amount, I went through it with my head held high almost. Actually, I looked away while the doctor inserted the syringe needle into my skin ha ha ha! Am a brave girl now hiyakk!


Header For Luluhana

Blog header for another housemate. This is Luluhana's blog. Oh, I mean that is. Please click on this link to visit her blog.

Click ONLY if you're not a hater. Her blog has lotsa love, haters are gonna get electrocuted once you set foot in luluhana's, that I tell you. We seriously don't need you. 

I can be a hater too but I don't go to places that I hate. Like Justin Bieber's channel or Miley Cyrus's vlog. Eh! Hahahahaha :D But seriously, dah tak suka tak payah lah menyibuk kat situ. Kau ni kenapa? Rasa diri popular?? 

Nak hate jangan mengutuk, memaki atau menuduh, nak hate buat cara nak hate. Tekan butang x dan pergi jauh dari sini. Okbye

P/s: Tetiba emo pasal perkara yang takde kena-mengena dengan diri sendiri. Tapi kalau ada kena mengena dengan housemate, maka ada kena mengena dengan diri sendiri lah kan? Muehehehe. 


Tempahan Layout dari Hahawawa

Baru siap design template untuk kak Hawa. Beliau housemate saya, and beberapa minggu yang lalu blog beliau dilanda masalah sehingga layout blog beliau hilang semuanya. Jadi kerana tak mahu menghampakan kak Hawa, dan jugak kerana saya suka baca blognya, jadi saya ambil tempahan layout ini dengan senang hati.

Pergilah follow kak Hawa. Adik saya Lily sangat sayang pada kak Hawa. Tiap tiap minggu berkirim salam bagai orang bercinta pula, huehuehue :3 . Klik kat gambar atau nah link.

Lepasni ada lagi satu tempahan layout untuk blogshop. Alhamdulillah ada rezeki sikit bulan ni. Boleh buat bayar bil yang melambak lambak huwuuu.

Anyway people, kalau ada yang nak menempah layout juga, saya ambil RM10 untuk satu layout penuh. Kalau nak sekali dengan header, tambah RM5. Taknak bank-in, hantar sebagai topup pun takpe. 

Sekian terima kasih :)

P/s: Marah betul dengan manusia yang rasa dia je paling betul dalam dunia. Panas panas panassss!


11 Things About Me

Tagged by : Fyfy Liew :)

1 . I am ultimately shy in person
2 . I am a neutral person; I usually don't take sides and am not judgemental
3 . My Zodiac is Libra (I think this explains number 2)
4 . I like to try new things
5 . Imma big fan of Angry Birds!
6 . I love instrumental music
7 . I'm a game-addict, and I seriously need one good RPG game now T.T
8 . I love to shop for clothes. Not sure lah if I'm a shopaholic or no hehe
9 . I love to travel. The place I wanna go to most is Japan
10 . I spend aproximately 5 hours on Youtube every normal un-busy day
11 . I spend approximately 12 hours on the internet everyday when I have Unifi. Maybe even more

Now to answer Fyfy's question :D

1 . Korang apa khabar?
Baik baik saja :D

2 . Sihat tak?
Sihat. Cuma sejuk sikit skrg musim hujan.

3 . Apa pandangan korang tentang blog aku?
Comel. Tiq suka blog Fy sebab simple and tak serabut mata memandang. Lgpun sekarang Tiq suka lagu instrumental Utada Hikaru - First Love yang Fy letak kat blog Fy :D

4 . Apa pandangan korang tentang aku?
Baik hati, friendly, suka buat orang gembira dan simple. Seorang gadis yang just nice. Mesti Fy ni seorang kawan yang baik untuk orang2 sekeliling dia.

5 . Korang nak tak datang Sabah?
Mestilah nak! Tak pernah lagi pergi sana. Boleh jumpa Fy kalau pegy sana :D

6 . Apa yang korang nak dari aku?
Hmmm. Taktau lah. Fy dah bagi song dedication haritu untuk birthday Tiq and Tiq rasa itu perkara paling Tiq tak sangka akan dapat dari siapa siapa :)

7 . Korang suka tak baca blog aku?
Suka. Tiq ni tak rajin blogwalking, jadi Tiq suka pergi blogwalking dekat blog yang ada dalam bloglist Tiq je hehehe :P

8 . Korang suka makan apa?
Tiq suka makan sushi.

9 . Aku suka fettucine carbonara. Korang suka tak?
Err... Tiq tak pernah rasa lagilah. Spaghetti carbonara pernah lah makan hehe.

10 . Aku suka minum nescafe. Korang suka tak?
Haa yang tu suka sangat! Tu hot drink favorite Tiq kot :D

11 . Terima kasih kerana sudi jawab tag ni. Lainkali nak jawab tag lagi tak?
Kalau ada kesempatan boleh aje, hehehe :D

Sepatutnya kena tag orang lain untuk buat ni, tapi aku takut takde siapa nak buat. Jadi aku amanahkan jelah pada sesiapa yang baca blog aku ni and yang rasa nak buat benda ni, silalah okay? Lepastu tinggalkan link dekat komen supaya aku boleh jenguk balik kemudian. Bye bye :)


Terima Kasih Fyfy :')

I am super duper truper touched and happy T.T

Ada sorang insan yang baik hati ni, dedicate lagu birthday untuk aku and post dekat Youtube and dekat blog dia!! Korang ada??? Haaaa *terharu*

Kenalkan Fyfy. She's from Sabah and I met her through We Love Arts. Remember We Love Arts? I've mentioned it before in my posts. It's a facebook group of bloggers and art lovers. We are all talented in our own ways :)

Fyfy ni, bukan saje cantik orangnya, malah dia berbakat menyanyi :D! Dia ni lah Fyfy yang aku maksudkan haritu, yang aku nak buat kolaborasi cover lagu Adele - Someone Like You dengan dia tu. Suara dia sedap kan? Hehehehe.

Haritu dia tulis pasal aku kat blog dia dan buat aku senyum sampai telinga satu hari (he he he), kali ni untuk birthday aku, dia siap buat satu entri khas untuk aku! Mana tak terharu wey T.T Taktau lah apa yang special sangat aku ni pada dia, tapi dia ni baik orangnya + friendly and dia baru aje lengkapkan birthday aku malam ni. Bagus jugak aku terlambat jumpa entri dia ni sebenarnya. Now I got a reason to keep on smiling for the whole night :)

Aaaaaaahhhh sebenarnya taktau nak cakap apa dah. Speechless. Rasa nak terbang semua ada :')

Tengok lah entri tu kat belog dia sendiri nah -->


AND tak lupa jugak semua kawan kawan baik yang saya sayang yang wish birthday through text and dekat Wall FB, and mak abah yang belanja makan dekat Nando's, and adik-adik yang bagi hadiah especially Lily yang bagi wafer coklat dan duit raya 30 sen sebagai hadiah -,-", Terima Kasih Semua!!! Ahhh, sayang korang banyak2 muahhhh <3 !

P/S: My birthday has just been completed. Thanks Fy 


First Day of Being 20

This is so cute I could ROFL to death. 

But seriously, comel kan? This is my birthday song :D Because it makes me happy, so it's my birthday song for this year. He he he.


First Class

Someway, somehow, this music score makes me feel so angry. Makes me feel like killing someone. Maybe it was a bad idea to be listening to this while I was actually feeling dissatisfied towards a person. Hmmm... 

Anyway, during this weekend, I watched X-Men First Class three times. The second time was only to indulge into the soundtracks in particular. I love Henry Jackson's work in this movie. They were all awesome. I could feel Erik a.k.a Magneto's pain and anger throughout the story. And suddenly my favourite character in this movie is Magneto ha ha ha. Well, after Jean Grey. Ha ha. *Nak yang awesome je*

Actually, I have to record a cover song that I'm collaborating with Fyfy. But because I was busy watching X-Men, I forgot to record it T.T . Sorry Fyfy, nanti Tiq rakam okay. Dah siap nanti Tiq post sampai Sabah bagi Fyfy dengar ahaha :D

P/s: My new mission - Watch all the other X-Men movies from the very first episode.


My Everything

You always annoy me. Yeah. Sometimes when I don't have the mood to talk about or listen to things, you'd come and ask me stupid questions, asking for this and that. It's kinda irritating okay! 

But sometimes, you do the most random things and make me laugh. That would be the most priceless moment ever, and I don't want it to go away. Seeing you smile, hearing your laughter, it made my day. I'd do anything to see that smile everyday. How did you do it? 

You never listen to me when I try to advice you. You're stubborn at times, and very grumpy. Your mouth smells because of your stubbornness. Though at times you would do anything for me. Even if you'd complain because I always ask you to help me, you still do it anyway. When your mood is good, that is. And when you want something back, you always treat me kindly and act cute in front of me, and I almost always melt to your cuteness. How did you do it?

I wonder why is it that whenever I'm sad and down, it's like you know it and understand, even if I try hard to hide it from you. You're always there, suddenly doing your random things and returning the smile on my face, even though I was crying inside. How did you do it?

Remember that time when you hi-jacked my facebook and wrote a status on my profile? I laughed so hard and I wasn't at all angry even if I pretended to be. You frequently post random comments on my wall and my friends' walls, and my pictures and links and my older posts -,-". And sometimes you post inappropriate comments on the wrong posts and no one replies to it and you get so sad everytime you open your account and there's no notification hahaha! 

I hope you never grow up and always be my cute little flower that beautifies my days and nights. But nahhhh, I can't stop you from growing, sadly as I say this :( . One day when you know how to read English properly, I hope you read my blog and read this so that you know how much I used to love you, and forever will. I heart you little Lily <3

p/s: Rindu adik, padahal kejap lagi nak balik rumah dah wuwuwu :'(


Big Bad Wolf, The Biggest Book Sale In The World!

Sepatutnya semalam tulis pasal benda ni, tapi semalam letih + pening kepala tak mampu nak buat apa dah. Hanya mampu tidur pukul 2 pagi ekeke :P 

Dan harini pun malas jugak sebenarnya, sebab kononnya nak puasa laptop selama beberapa hari sebab aku rasa pening kepala ni selain dari berpunca daripada cuaca tak menentu sekarang, terlalu banyak mengadap laptop jugak menyumbang kepada masalah kesihatan kan. Tambah pulak baru baik demam ni, but that's not the point. Hairini rasa perlu untuk menghiburkan diri, jadi bukak lah Youtube kejap untuk tengok boyfriend kedua dan ketiga. Iaitu Nigahiga dan Kev Jumba kehkeh :D

Okay so, alang alang dah sampai kat Youtube, apa salahnya kan terus je bukak Blogger terus sebab account Youtube aku dengan Blogger guna email yang sama dekat account Google *Seriously, apa sebenarnya aku cuba sampaikan ni =,="?*. 

Semalam pergi this book sale dekat Serdang/Bangi (aku pun tak pasti, sebab orang ni cakap kat UKM, orang ni cakap tempat tu kat MAEPS so dah confuse) dekat this one building yang dekat dengan Hospital Serdang tu. Book Sale ni nama dia Big Bad Wolf (BBW), The Biggest Book Sale in the world! Pergi bersama kawan-kawan iaitu Hawa, Eja, Zue dan kawan diorang Wowo, dan pening di dalam kereta T.T 

Tapi, to be honest, THAT PLACE WAS... HEAVEN! Lantas hilang segala mabuk kenderaan yang dalam kereta tak boleh bukak mata tadi, rasa nak muntah segala, lenyap beberapa minit selepas melangkah masuk ke dalam bangunan tu. Cuba teka aku bawak balik berapa ketul buku? Empat. Cuba teka kawan-kawan aku yang lain ni bawak balik berapa ketul buku? Sepuluh. 

Ya, korang tak salah baca. Mungkin kalau aku pun banyak duit macam dia, aku sendiri dah bawak balik sepuluh buku. 

Lihat lah, ni buku untuk tiga orang je, belum masuk aku punya lagi :3

Ni empat buku yang aku beli. Siap jumpa buku idaman lagi, Eldest by Cristopher Paolini. All this for RM27 ONLY!

Mana laa aku tak rasa macam nak nangis terharu, Eldest tu kalau carik kat luar RM50 pun tak dapat. Jumpa dekat sini harga RM8 je!!! Aku beli empat buku dengan separuh harga dari harga sebuah buku! Bayangkan lah betapa ruginya siapa yang tak pergi BBW Book Sale ni! *Ceh over pulak kau ni*

Bukan nak promote melampau, tapi serious oh rugi kalau tak pergi. Dekat Serdang je, dekat bangunan MAEPS berhampiran Hospital Serdang. Tak pun pergi lah google ke apa ke, aku pun tau dari kawan-kawan. Dan maaflah aku taktau direction nak ke tempat tu, sebab sepanjang perjalanan aku pura-pura tidur sebab kepala dah pening rasa nak muntah semua. Sedih betul, sebab aku sebenarnya rasa nak pergi lagi dengan family :'(

And kat situ macam macam jenis buku ada. Buku pasal sejarah sejarah, dokumentari, fotografi, resipi, hobby, autobiografi, fantasi, kanak-kanak, semua ada! Just go there, preferably with your family *sebab boleh pau duit ayah kehkeh*. If korang rasa nak pergi lepas baca entry ni, boleh pergi lagi sekarang ni. Dia sampai hari Ahad ni iaitu 16 Oktober 2011. Go now, seriously go! And kalau dah konfirm nak pergi tu bagitau lah eh, gua nak ikut ehem. 

Or, you can also go to the website for more information >> http://www.bigbadwolfbooks.com/

Phew! Finally. Now I can sleep with peace. Byebye laptop teehee :D


Random random subject

Strawberry Cupcakes dah berubah wajah :D

Aku makin tak tau apa nak tulis dalam blog.

Strawberry Cupcakes dah mula menghampiri climax jugak! Mulai sekarang jalan cerita akan bertambah menarik dan penuh teka-teki hikhik :P

Sejak demam tempohari, kepala aku asyik pening dan selera makan aku jadi teruk gila. Ah taknaklah cerita, nanti korang cakap aku mintak simpati.

Aku perlukan ilham lebih untuk Strawberry Cupcakes. Siapa nak jadi kekasih saya yang comel untuk sehari? ekeke :P

Aku patut lebih gigih menyimpan duit sem ni. 

Fesyen dulu dengan fesyen sekarang tak jauh beza pun. Kalau aku pakai je apa yang aku pakai sekarang, 40 tahun akan datang orang masih pakai balik fesyen ni. Kenapa kena bazir bazir duit sebenarnya?

Jom tengok BOF untuk kali yang ke sejuta empat puluh ribu enam ratus dua puluh tujuh kali?


Nasihat Blogger Kepada Adik Blogger

Hai semua. Harini nak promote blog lagi. Tapi ini blog adik sendiri, ahahaha. Macam apa je, tapi bagus lah tolong keluarga :3

Ini dia, Just Wani nama diberi. Nama blog lah of course. Baru habis UPSR, tahun depan form 1. Baru nak mengenal dunia, tapi aku galakkan dia buat blog. Aku harap dalam dunia blogging ni, dia akan jumpa perkara-perkara menarik dan berfaedah untuk dijadikan iktibar. Aku dah syorkan beberapa blog bagus untuk peringkat umur dia, dan aku dah larang dia dari mendekati ciri-ciri seorang blogger yang menyampahkan. Tak faham? Blogger yang tulis 'eww eww' dalam perkataan dan cerita pasal boyfriend dia paling hot di dunia dalam setiap post. Aku pun ada boyfriend jugak weyyy... 

Kenapa aku galakkan dia blogging? Sebab pertama, boleh pupuk minat menulis. Sebab bila nak menulis ni, kita perlukan idea supaya hasil tulisan tak membosankan dan bukan setakat satu perenggan (eh tapi kadang-kadang aku pun selalu buat camtu. dammit). Nasihat pertama aku dekat dia, tolong lah gunakan bahasa baku bila menulis. Paling tak pun, kalau taknak baku sangat sebab takut orang cakap kau skema, takyah lah nak 'eww eww' dalam tulisan. Bukan takat membazir ruang, malah memanjangkan perkataan yang asalnya ada 4 huruf jadi 7 atau lapan huruf. Contohnya, perkataan macam dalam dialog berikut:

"Aku saja saja je buat macam tu kat kau. Aku dengki dengan kau."

Tetiba bila ada 'eww eww' dah jadi

"Akuw sajew sajew jewp bwat camtuww kat kaw. Akuw dengky ngan kawwww larh weyhh"


Pada sesiapa yang pernah ada pengalaman buat benda-benda ni, takpe. Jadikan iktibar okay. Dalam masa yang sama, sila gelakkan diri sendiri sekarang. Bahahaha.

Selain dari tu, aku cakap jugak kat adik aku, kalau nak tulis pasal apa yang kau lalui dalam hidup, kau pergi mana harini, kau jatuh tangga berdarah hidung ke, itu semua tak kisah nak cerita. Kalau comel-comel cerita kau mesti orang suka nak baca. Tapi kalau setakat bergaduh dengan kawan, kawan terpijak kasut sikit terus taknak kawan selama-lamanya, kawan curik boyfriend kau, tolonglah weh jangan terniat pun nak tulis kat blog. Pergi cari buku latihan kau yang lama-lama tu, pegy tulis dalam tu diam-diam. Orang lain taknak tahu pun kau bergaduh dengan siapa. Kalau kau tetiba kawan balik dengan dia esok pun orang taknak tahu, walaupun tu bagus.

Jadi setelah memastikan dia faham, dan setelah aku tolong buatkan template khas untuk blog dia, maka secara rasminya pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2011, adik aku Wani telah pun mula melibatkan diri dalam dunia blogging. Aku harap dia ingat semua nasihat aku. Nanti dia dah start sekolah menengah, mungkin masa untuk blogging dah takde sangat, atau mungkin dia dah hilang minat, tapi aku sokong dia dari belakang. Sebab kalau aku sokong dari depan nanti bila dia nak taip dia tak nampak pulak skrin komputer tu kalau aku dok depan dia ahahahahaha dah diam. Okdahbaibai :D

Ini blog dia dan header blog dia yang ommey ommey aku tolong buatkan ahaha. Klik gambar kalau nak melawat :)


Blog Kawan Kawan

Sebenarnya saya tak tayu (gaya Lily cakap 'tak tahu') lah apa nak tulis. Ingatkan dah ada UniFi dekat rumah sewa bolehlah buat sepuluh post sehari kahkahkah. Tapi makin takde idea apa nak tulis, sebab rasa hidup tak berkembang bila duduk bersama kawan-kawan menjalani hidup sebagai pelajar. Eh, tak bukan kawan-kawan yang tak best, tapi aktiviti harian yang tak best. Takkan makan Honey Stars sebagai sarapan pagi pun nak cerita, kan?

Isy perenggan pertama dah merepek. And sebenarnya dah banyak gila buat typo tadi tapi dah padam balik arrghhh stress!! 

Baiklah, jadi harini nak promote blog kengkawan. Hehe. Apakata tambahkan kenalan, kan? Takpun, mana tahu ada terminat hasil penulisan seseorang? Kalau bosan kadang-kadang bolehlah hiburkan hati baca penulisan mereka kan. 

Blog pertama, ini blog baru je buat. Freshie maa, tapi insyaAllah masa akan datang mana tahu dia bakal lebih hebat dari korang semua kehkeh :P Dia ni sepupu hebat saya, dan juga sahabat awesome saya. She's always there for me, even when I don't ask for her. Like seriously, asal aku post je status emo kat facabook, pasti dia orang pertama bertanya khabar. She's very concerned towards me, and dah banyak tolong saya (maafkan perubahan kata ganti nama diri yang tak konsisten, harini mood kurang stabil hehe :P)

Marilah kita lihat siapa gerangannya :D

Yes she's the one. Ahhhh, sebenarnya jarak masa antara gambar di atas dengan perenggan ni adalah 45minit, jadi dah lupa apa nak cakap. Sebab in between tu pergi tengok We Got Married yang sangat kelakar sambil meniarap dekat ruang tamu dengan Hawa. Dan sekarang pula pukul 2.45 a.m, mata menagntuk. Esok ada kelas. Pendek cerita, pergilah lawat blog beliau dan follow :D

Ahahaha macam ni pun boleh ye Tiq. Blog kawan-kawan saya yang lain, pergi tengok dekat tepi belah kiri tu ada ruangan Angry birds Sayang Mereka tu, haa itu adalah blog-blog kawan-kawan saya yang saya suka baca. Bagi yang minat doodle, saya syorkan anda pergy baca blog manishanismanis[dot]blogspot[dot]com sebab blog dia banyak doodle kelakar :D

Okdahbye nak tidur goodnight.  


Saya suka baca buku!

Siapa ada cerpen menarik, samaada bahasa Inggeris atau Melayu, sila kongsi bersama saya. Kalau awak yang karang sendiri, lagi bagus :D Sebenarnya, memang saya galakkan awak karang sendiri. Nak share somewhere, nanti saya bagitahu hehe :). Anyways, if lah takde inspirasi nak karang sendiri, boleh je share cerita-cerita menarik kesukaan awak, asalkan awak bagitahu siapa pengarang asal cerita tu okay :D. Itu je. Sekian terimakasih!


Hi Saya Tiq Hashim

Hullo! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sungguh lama daku tiadaa :D Bahahaha

I'm back peepellzz! Ceh konon je kena hi-jack. Cakap jelah kau sebenarnya tak tahu apa nak buat. Dah tiga minggu sem 3, busy bee I am. Very busy bee. Salahkan ROS report. Terpaksa couple jap dengan ROS selama seminggu, sampai tak tidur malam mengadap muka ROS. Nasib baik esok dah nak break-up ahahah.

I just had some Mars. So I am super duper happyy :D I can stay up late tonight playing Virtual Villagers, AND onlineeeeee. weehoo :D Oh wait, when I said Mars I really meant the Mars chocolate bar, not Bruno Mars :| Kamon lah people.

Oklaa aku memang SUKA orang buat aku macam tak penting dan tak wujud.

Ohbytheway, saya dah ada Twitter :D! Search TiqHashim kalau nak berkenalan beramah mesra. Itu saje, entri tak berfaedah harini maaf.


How To Become a Good Friend

Sometimes, it's your flaws that make people remember you...

In a good way, I mean. But anyway, both ways also can :3

So picture this, a situation where you are sitting in your room trying to finish your assignment that is due the next day, then your roommate comes to you.

"Hey, watchu doin, mate?"

"I doubt you cannot see what I am actually trying to do here."

"Oh, you're typing something on Words!"

"No, idiot, I'm doing my assignment!"

"Oh okay."

He leaves you for a few minutes, then comes back to you.

"Hey, mate. Did you know that I'm supposed to take care of my neighbor's cat this week?"

"So?" and you answer him with your eyes on the laptop screen.

"Nothing, I was just saying."

He leaves you for another peaceful minute, then returns, with a cup of coffee.
"Look, I'm drinking Ipoh White Coffee. Want some?"

"No thanks, I don't drink coffee."

"But it's really good, ya know. A lot of people think that people who never drank coffee are lame-o. Losers. Very, very unlucky people they are." Said your roommate with a serious face and a persuasive nod. 

"I have never heard of that." there's this tingling feeling inside you right now.

"Oh, but it's true! You should ask around,"

The innocent smile on his face was starting to rise your temperature to 100 degrees Celsius.  He sees the signal you're trying to convey to him, but he stays there with his smile.

Yeah, most probably you would end up like this in the end.

...never fail to temper you, aite?

But imagine if he was gone.

The room would be quiet. No more stupid questions and annoying remarks. The first 10 minutes, you'd be feeling glad that he's not around. But then you start to have this weird feeling of emptiness. Suddenly, you're missing his stupid questions that never fail to spoil your 'working mode'. All of a sudden, you're as if hoping you'd hear his voice mentioning about inappropriate things that you don't really care about. Finally, you'd come to a strong conclusion that all he was doing all this freakin annoying time was just to try and ease away the stress you were having because you did your work on the very last minute. All he was trying to do was to accompany you so that you don't feel bored, even if it annoys you.

Or am I wrong?

If so, imagine 10 years from now when you're married or you have a hectic life of your own.