Blog header for another housemate. This is Luluhana's blog. Oh, I mean that is. Please click on this link to visit her blog.
Click ONLY if you're not a hater. Her blog has lotsa love, haters are gonna get electrocuted once you set foot in luluhana's, that I tell you. We seriously don't need you.
I can be a hater too but I don't go to places that I hate. Like Justin Bieber's channel or Miley Cyrus's vlog. Eh! Hahahahaha :D But seriously, dah tak suka tak payah lah menyibuk kat situ. Kau ni kenapa? Rasa diri popular??
Nak hate jangan mengutuk, memaki atau menuduh, nak hate buat cara nak hate. Tekan butang x dan pergi jauh dari sini. Okbye
P/s: Tetiba emo pasal perkara yang takde kena-mengena dengan diri sendiri. Tapi kalau ada kena mengena dengan housemate, maka ada kena mengena dengan diri sendiri lah kan? Muehehehe.
eh tiq..kenape tibe tibe..ni..lets spreading our love..dun emo emo..hehehe ^__^
didi comel punya mana?grrr.
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