My new year has finally begun. It's semester break at last! So far the plan was to finish reading all the books I bought from Big Bad Wolf, do a little doodle project, play some games and find some good music to listen to. I'm currently on my third book out of 5, haven't started on any doodle project, haven't played any games, and have been listening to a Chinese radio station since last night.
Yes a Chinese radio station you did not read that wrongly.
I got bored last two nights I guess, mainly because I couldn't sleep due to those sleepless nights trying to finish assignments now my biological clock is disturbed again. I decided that my playlists weren't appealing to how I'm feeling at the moment. I tuned in to my phone's radio, tried listening to Fly FM and Hitz, but they keep playing all those upbeat club techno music that I don't prefer to listen to at 2 a.m in the middle of the night. Plus, Fly FM keeps repeating that new Bruno Mars song that I don't like, like three times a day I think! I tried looking for Lite FM or whatever station that plays some soothing music but I couldn't. I suck at looking for radio channels because I rarely listen to the radio. Usually I'd listen to the radio when I'm in the car, which is inevitable.
So as I switched in-between channels, I decided to stop at 101.8, which is My FM. The first two songs that I listened to immediately caught my attention. I got stuck straight away. You know what I did? I recorded the songs that I would like to listen to later, and then went up on google and tried to transcribe the lyrics from the part that I recorded, and searched the title of the song from those lyrics. I succeeded. And I didn't even understand what the lyrics meant ha ha ha.
Now I've got a new playlist to listen to. Well done Atiqah.
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