Pada suatu hari di bulan April...

tetiba je pink dekat pipi dia dah hilang. Cih lupa tambah tadi -_-''

Selamat hari lahir yang ke 17 buat Fyfy Liew!
I'm not a talented singer, plus I am terribly shy to have a video of me singing and posting it up for people to see, so I drew this instead. I don't know what to call this. It's an anime-sketch version of you, Fyfy! LOL sorry if it's a little messy, but I hope you like it. I hand-drawn this in my sketch book and scanned it into the computer manually.
Happy birthday to you Fyfy Liew :D! Tahun ni SPM, jadi saya doakan awak dapat straight A's untuk semua subjek! Habis sekolah, awak boleh kejar cita-cita dan jadi orang yang berjaya. Looking forward for the day till we meet each other. Sorry pasal projek nak buat kolaborasi cover song yang tak menjadi dulu hikhik :p... Keinginan tu dah ada, effort je kurengg LOL. BTW, may the odds be ever in your favor!
1 comment:
awww tiq! so sweet! :') terharu ah! thank you! terima kasih banyak-banyak! cantik lukisan tu. ;D
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