*!Warning! Fan girl mode all the way*
At some point in this blog I will have to mention McFly because otherwise it will be unfair to them that I talk about FT Island all the time but not them. Well. I am now officially crazy over McFly.

No they are not fast food they are four gorgeous hunk-a burning love. Lol!
I'm a bit late but who cares nobody cares I don't care I don't need to be an early fan just to like their music, aye? I have to admit I fell in love with them from their song Love Is Easy and I just thought "Oh God this song is catchy who the hell is singing it?!" so I googled them up, listened to a number of their other songs and immediately fell from cloud nine in love.
Absolutely head over heels now, I don't understand why I lived in a different dimension from them in my life before. I should have met them earlier! Tsk.
McFly is a British pop-rock genre band, established in 2003 and still going. I'm not surprised why I like them at all. FT Island is a pop-rock band as well and now I see where I'm going. The only difference between McFly and FT Island is that I can understand McFly's songs without having to google up for lyric translations hahaha. In other aspects I love them both equally except that I have to dote over McFly more now because they are my 'new-born' babies :3

At the moment, I'm listening to It's All About You and sometimes Too Close For Comfort on repeat. There are a number of others that I like such as Transylvania, Ballad of Paul K and well obviously Love Is Easy. At least I have something to drool upon while waiting for FT Island to come up with new songs for my taste buds.
Don't worry Jonghoon baby I still sketch fanarts of you in my notebooks.
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