Took me days since the day I said to myself "Eh, that's one cool travel log! Looks easy too. I should try doing one." However, due to lack of materials at first, I did a slightly different method from Zue's. It wasn't easy at all. Not even close to easy T_T. My patience has been challenged to the max during the few days I spent on these things.
But they say, practice makes perfect.
All this was hand-made. Yes hand-made. Imagine the osteoporosis feeling I felt at the end of the day. I didn't want to use the sewing machine because I don't know how to use it. Well I can handle the basics, but I don't know how to make it go the way I want to. I mean, the end result won't appear the way I pictured it at first. You get what I mean.
I think I have pretty thick skin because I pricked myself hundreds of time, but I didn't shed a single blood *self-pat on the back*
Or maybe because I'm a vampire. Ha ha ha
Anyway, today is my brother's birthday! I hope he does not read my blog right now because the black journal is supposed to be my present for him. But if he does read this before I give the present to him, well tadaaa! Hahaha.
Happy 18th birthday lil' bro! I don't know what else to wish you other than the usual 'have a blast and may you succeed in the future', but I must remind you to download the latest Runningman episode. And please look for that episode with Hong Ki in it and download for me! Kahkahkah.
Tomorrow I'm going off to Perlis with mom and dad. Byebye people! Siapa duduk sana bitau laa, mana tau boleh kita jumpa ke kan kan kan?
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