
I'm Finally Happy I Guess

Ini post selepas frasa merawat kesedihan di hati.

Being single for the first time after five years is awesome!! Ni serious tak tipu. Bagus sebenarnya single ni. Paling ketara adalah jumlah kredit yang tak berganjak setelah seminggu berlalu. Dan paling ketara tak perlu sentiasa kena mesej bagitau tengah buat apa kalau tak nak menimbulkan syak wasangka dan pergaduhan. Tak gitu?

Kehkeh. I don't think I need someone to replace him for the time being. I just want to enjoy my life, be friends with everyone. Mak cakap kalau betul dah takde boyfriend, dia dah ada calon menantu dia sendiri. Hahaha kelakar dengar benda cenggini dari mulut ibu sendiri. Tapi aku sebenarnya memberontak dengan hakikat ni. Benda yang Mak cakap tu. Aku tak suka orang plan benda untuk kehidupan aku. Aku yang nak kahwin ke, kau yang nak kahwin ni? Haha.

Well, tapi bila fikir balik, mesti Mak dah plan betul-betul kan? Takkan dia nak anak dia tak gembira pulak kan. Mother knows best. Jadi sekarang aku tak kisah kalau Mak ada calon ke tak, cuma lagi bagus kalau Mak tahu, anak Mak ni belum terbuka pintu hati sepenuhnya lagi haha. Ayat debat.

Mari buka buku baru di tahun yang baru! Start fresh everyone. Hugs


Debat 211 Jam UiTM

Pernah tengok Tiq berdebat? Tak pernah? Nak tengok Tiq dan kawan-kawan berdebat? Meh meh pergi sini

Tapi taknak bagitau bila slot aku hehehehe :P Tengok lah, ramai pendebat dari macam-macam tempat. Mana tahu ada orang yang korang kenal :) 

Aku dah berdebat satu slot semalam, ganti satu team yang tak dapat hadir. Esok dan lusa ada dua slot lagi. Fiuuu. Doakan kami !


Five Treasure Island

Sementara masih ada masa lapang ni, update kejap lah kan. Nanti dah start busy balik, apa pun tak dapat. 

Kehidupan sebagai pelajar amat meletihkan. Sekarang lah. Salah sendiri jugak, siapa suruh procrastinate. Tapi kalau tak procrastinate, tak pelajar lah wey hahaha. Tapi procrastinate time tak busy tak menjadi masalah. Masalahnya adalah procrastinate pada waktu yang ada banyaaaaaakkkk gila benda lain nak dibuat. Seperti debat 211 jam. Yes, I am a debater for debat 211 jam yang Fakulti Pendidikan UiTM anjurkan tu. Imagine life. So yummy is life nowadays hahaha.

Tak kelakar okay.

I've been depressed for a bit, but thanks to the friends I have around me, I don't feel it much. In fact, aku hampir tak perasan pun yang aku depressed. Thank you kawan-kawan. Luvyah! Dalam blog je berani luvyah luvyah, kalau depan-depan kurang macho hahahahaha.

Bila Tiq tetiba layan Korea secara obsessive, siap google up profile ahli kumpulan dan mengambil tahu blood type mereka (haha!), itu adalah sungguh aneh. Orang berdarah AB je buat macam tu kehkeh :P Hehe gurau je orang berdarah AB, semua orang pun boleh layan Korea. Cuma, it's aneh for me. Because I never liked K-Pop that much. Itulah sebenarnya petanda-petanda depression Tiq haha. 

Kenalkan FT Island. Inilah obsesi terbaru saya. Gitaris kiri sekali dan drummer mereka tu saya punya. Walaupun diorang muda setahun tapi pedulik lah. Walaupun Hawa cakap saya pedo sebab suka orang muda pedulik laaaaa. Hahahaha. 

Huish, dah tak rasa macam berada di blog sendiri bila post video K-Pop. Dah rasa macam dalam blog chunkachillas.blogspot.com. Aku salah blog ke sebenarnya ni ? hahaha. 

BTW, sila jangan kenalkan group lain-lain kat aku. Aku nak FT Island je. Sebab lagu2 diorang semua pasal break-up and putus cinta and ditinggalkan kekasih kehkeh takdelah just kidding. Oklah bye nak kena pergi berdebat sekarang. Luvyah haha.


Layout Makeover for Syanina

Ni template untuk blog adik Syanina kita. Simple je, sesimple orangnya. Peminat photography pulak tu! Kalau sayang sesama blogger, mari lah melawat ya. CLICK CLICK.

Nak tempah layout jugak? Full makeover blog RM15 ya. Header je RM5. Tak mahal pun perkhidmatan saya kehkehkeh. I am soo sleepy tak larat nya nak taip apa-apa. So busy these few weeks, sampai kering idea nak update blog. Byebye


I know, I shouldn't be writing about stuff that are supposed to be kept within my heart. But I don't know what else to do. I don't like this feeling anyway, so I hope by writing it out somewhere, I can let it go and let it be. 

How to start? 

Haha. Tahi lembu. Nak start macam mana pun tak reti dah. Now I already regret even starting to write this post. Dah berapa kali tulis dan padam, tulis dan padam. Rasa macam memalukan diri sendiri pulak hiuhiu.

Okay, sorry to all the people reading this post now, I guess you should just go elsewhere. Belog Hanis Zalikha ke, bermanfaat sikit kan. Tuan punya belog pun cantik. Go now, go. Bcoz this post is gonna be crap and null.


People say we are so close in distance, we have no trouble of seeing each other how frequent or how often we want. True. It used to be that way. Now, it's different. We don't have all the time in the world anymore. We also don't have all the money in the world, never had.

If you think I changed, you're damn right! I know that the bigger part of our 'distant' was me. But you helped build the me I am now. Apart of it has always been you.

I am sorry if we turned out growing apart from each other. I always try to overcome that difference that gradually started showing up, but soon, you know, I grew tired too. I grew tired of trying. And right now, I am hoping you take the burden from my shoulder and do something about us instead. Or no. Don't do anything and let's act as if we care.


Ciri Lelaki Idaman Tiq Hashim

Tagged by Fyfy Liew

Actually dah lama kena tag, tapi sibuk pula kebelakangan ni dgn esaimen dan projek macam-macam serta tempahan template blog lagi (Oh yes, another pending story omg -__-"). So without further ado harini aku nak jawab tag dari sahabat blogger aku yang sorang ni :D

1. Dulu masa zaman belum kenal realiti kehidupan, aku impikan lelaki yang sweet dan charming dan good looking yang boleh "sweep me off my feet". Impian cliche semua gadis-gadis remaja.

2. I've learnt my lesson hahaha. Taknak dah lelaki cliche. Tak wujud pun. I go for guys who will accept me as I am, no matter how silly or how unpretty or how childish I may be sometimes.

3. Lelaki yang sabar dan tak cepat baran, sebab dua ciri-ciri tu takde pada aku. And I nag a lot, and I love to argue, and I hate to lose jadi memang wajib sabar dan tak cepat baran haha.

4. Lelaki yang boleh gelak sikit bila aku cuba buat kelakar, sebab aku tak kelakar orangnya. 

5. Lelaki yang spontan. Dan tak terlalu childish. 

6. Spontan? Err, mcm mana nak terangkan eh? Spontan lah, yang tetiba je buat sesuatu out of no where tanpa fikir apa orang lain nak fikir pasal dia.

7. Sembahyang 5 waktu please. And knows the basics of Islam. He must be my guide, not the other way round kan?

8. Lelaki yang benci rokok hahaha. Ada tak?

9. Dah nombor sembilan? Erk bila nak habis ni. Err, apa lagi ek? Oh yaa, lelaki yang pandai main satu alat muzik at least. Piano lagi bagus, so nanti dah kahwin boleh suruh dia beli grand piano putih yang aku nak sangat dari dulu tu kihkih :P

10. Actually, aku suka lelaki yang full of surprises. Good surprises I mean. Macam tetiba je buat something yang aku tak expect bila time birthday or something like that. Comel kan kalau macam tu? Hmm.

11. Jap satu lagi boleh? Hehe. Lelaki yang berani berdepan dengan parents aku without having to be taught what to do. Ni sebenarnya patut ciri-ciri pertama tadi, tapi lupa pulak.

12. Oh okay ada lagi satu rupanya -__-". Lelaki tu mestilah faham aku and tak kritik apa yang aku suka sebab aku ada hak untuk suka apa yang aku suka walaupun dia tak suka benda tu. Hmfh!

Okdahbye kikiki :)


Free Blogger Template: Hello Marshmellow!

This is my latest template design, Hello Marshmellow! but my first from Saphyrea Art. It's basically based on, yeah you guessed it right, marshmallows because of my love towards that candy. Pretty colourful and sweet to the eye-sight, and blogger friendly too! The header title can be changed straight from the Page Elements section of blogger. Feel free to download coz it's free!

Note: Please do not remove the credits to tiqcakap.blogspot.com. The making of this template was not an easy task for a newbie like me, so it would be a pleasure if you give me some credentials for my work. And it would also make me happy if you leave a comment below leaving a link to your blog once you download my template. I would love to see my work of art on the use. Thank you :)

footnote: Saphyrea Art? Hehe nanti aku cerita :P


Sneak Peak

The Blue Pheonix


Al Fatihah

Saturday, 10.14 pm~
'Nak bagitau, ayah ** meninggal dunia'
from: Unknown number.

Aku dekat kampung masa tu, tengah duduk tengok TV, and my own dad was beside me. Very shocking news to me. But then, I thought it was only that.

Today, just got back from Pahang~
'Ayah kawan kau tu meninggal sebab accident. Ayah dia, kakak dia and adik bongsu dia, meninggal di tempat kejadian.'

Bukak facebook, baca post kawan-kawan. OMG.

He was my classmate during secondary school, not very close, but I used to see him every day. I used to see his dad too. Tak sangka betul. Serious tak sangka.

Bukan itu je.

'K slipped from the 10th floor'

Aku tak jumpa lagi berita kedua ni secara lengkap dan tepat, but it's a true story. He died too. And he was a classmate during Asasi TESL.

Nyawa boleh hilang sekelip mata, walau bukan nyawa kita. That means, nyawa kita pun bila-bila je boleh pergi.


A is for Apple

And so is Atiqah.

Today was one hectic day. Class all day until 6.30, got Mandarin test also, aiyaa! I even managed to go do a blood test to check my blood type, just for fun! Me and my housemates been talking about blood types and the common personality of the people with these different blood types. Because of these conversations we had, I felt a dire need to know my own blood type. 

Since I have never been hospitalized and I am not physically qualified to do blood donation, there has been no means for me to find out what type of blood do I contain in this thin little body of mine. 

So one of my housemates, Eja, caught fever for a few days now and worsening. We (Hawa, Zue, Apek and I) accompanied her to the Medical Center at the UiTM Main campus to get her some medicine. I know it makes no difference even if I know what type of blood I have, since I can't donate blood anyway for the time being. But out of eager curiosity, I asked the attendant at the counter if there was any way for me to simply check for my blood type. I know by the look from her face that it's not a regular thing for people to be coming just to check their blood type, but I was glad when she told me that I can do a blood grouping test to find that out. 

I paid RM5 for it and a received an injection between the joint on my right arm. Despite all the excitement of finally being able to precisely announce my blood group with pride, I have to admit that the effect was a little stinging. I took the blood test at about 4 o'clock, and I actually had another class at 5. Throughout that class, I couldn't even write properly. But that was because of the sedative. 

Anyway, this was the result that I anxiously waited for....

The point of this post is not to tell the whole world about my blood type. Even though I am literally doing it in a way. I am just telling you how eager I am towards things having to do with my own body, and even though I despise the sight of fresh blood spilling from your skin in a large amount, I went through it with my head held high almost. Actually, I looked away while the doctor inserted the syringe needle into my skin ha ha ha! Am a brave girl now hiyakk!


Header For Luluhana

Blog header for another housemate. This is Luluhana's blog. Oh, I mean that is. Please click on this link to visit her blog.

Click ONLY if you're not a hater. Her blog has lotsa love, haters are gonna get electrocuted once you set foot in luluhana's, that I tell you. We seriously don't need you. 

I can be a hater too but I don't go to places that I hate. Like Justin Bieber's channel or Miley Cyrus's vlog. Eh! Hahahahaha :D But seriously, dah tak suka tak payah lah menyibuk kat situ. Kau ni kenapa? Rasa diri popular?? 

Nak hate jangan mengutuk, memaki atau menuduh, nak hate buat cara nak hate. Tekan butang x dan pergi jauh dari sini. Okbye

P/s: Tetiba emo pasal perkara yang takde kena-mengena dengan diri sendiri. Tapi kalau ada kena mengena dengan housemate, maka ada kena mengena dengan diri sendiri lah kan? Muehehehe.