
Un-dramatically speaking

So I decided to update my blog before I move on to preparing the things for my microteaching tomorrow. And for that as well, I have just finished developing a lesson plan. With my runny nose and all, and it was my roommate who said she felt like catching fever earlier this morning. But thanks to her as well, I think my flu is subsiding a little because she let me have one of her flu pills. 

What have I been doing these days? That question would be a bit cruel for me to answer. Some people said I dramatize a lot in my blog these days. Well, should I tell you why? Because I'm not an outspoken person, but at the same time I have so many things to say, but at the same time I don't want to hurt feelings, but at the same time I don't know how to express them. To be precise, it isn't a drama at all. It's reality. It's what I see everyday, and what I feel about them. I'm just putting them in my own words. And I'm not really good with words. I'm only good at writing them down.

"Why complicate things?" is my question to everyone. I am aware that not all people feel the same. You don't see the way I see things. But rationally, some things should just be put off and not looked into again and again. When you're hurt and in pain because of a decision you made, but on the other hand, you could have chosen another decision that would put you in a different situation, why complicate things? Y'know what I mean?

See here, I'm speaking in a less dramatic way if it suits you better. I still need to prepare my handouts stuff for tomorrow's microteaching, and read for tomorrow's Evaluation and Assessment test, and read for Friday's BEL test, and oh my gosh I forgot I still have test construction to do oh my oh my oh myyyy!

So I think I should un-dramatically end this nonsense post, here.


At the tip of my behinds

I want to be direct, but not too direct.

If somebody is not important, why care? Why give an effort and hurt yourself when somebody does not really feel the same way as you do? WHY COMPLICATE THINGS? WHY THE DRAMA DUDEEEE? 

Maybe I am insensitive or ignorant or heartless. I make sudden decisions because I don't like the feeling of something bugging all over me. I prefer to shake my problems away and leave them be. Shake them away or let them complicate me. I'd never choose the latter. I don't like to think about things I shouldn't be thinking of. 

I'm starting to sound like my father.

Ironically, I used to disagree to everything he told me. All the "ignore the emotional thingies and feelings and heart things", I disagreed to every single thing. 

Hey dad, look at me now. I'm the rebellious daughter you once had. Still am, though.



You're lovable from head to toe 
I'm so proud to to have you 
I was always so stiff but now I smile all day 
What have I done?

Even your backside and shadow are lovable 
And my affection comes naturally 
Waiting is fun now and even the air is sweet 
I love you

It's been awhile. Taktaulah, hikhik. Tak boleh nak pastikan apa benda yang bermain di kepala dan juga hati. Tapi bila tiba-tiba rasa gembira dan gementar, seolah-olah dalam perut ada sejuta lipas berterbangan (eeeeeeeeeeeee) apabila ditegur oleh seseorang, maka

Dah, sampai situ je. Hahahaha. Saya harap lqohvtfh tak ada blog dan tak baca blog saya. Selamat malam semua!


Ini Pagar Rumah Saya

Aku bukan di tempat yang betul untuk nasihat orang. Pendapat aku mungkin orang taknak dengar pun sebab aku berdiri di tempat yang kurang tepat. Kalau ada suara aku sekalipun, orang mungkin abaikan macam tu aje. Sebab aku di tempat yang tak betul. 

Tahu tak aku dengan kau ni lain. Keinginan aku dengan kau lain, malah matlamat aku dengan kau tak sama. Terima kasih kerana ambil berat tapinya. Aku hargai niat baik orang yang selalu nak point out benda-benda yang dia rasa tak betul dan pada pandangan dia, semua orang pun patut rasa benda yang sama. Susah-susah je ambil berat pasal orang lain. 

Tapi tulah, bila rambut manusia pun semua dah lain warna sekarang ni.


Jangan berbuat baik dengan saya

....kalau dalam hati awak tak ikhlas memberi kebaikan.

Acewahwahwahhh. Video atas tu, salahkan Lily. Walaupun aku kenal Kim Jong Kook tu dari Runningman, tapi salahkan Apid sebab bagi aku tengok Runningman in the first place. Dan dekat sini, sila imaginasikan aku tengah menangis kekecewaan sebab Apid dah pergi Tapah untuk sambung pelajaran, dan takde siapa lagi nak downloadkan Runningman untuk bagi aku tengok tiap-tiap weekend bila balik rumah. 

Jadi perkaitan dia di sini, disebabkan Apid dah takde dekat rumah untuk downloadkan semua benda kegemaran Lily (iaitu muzik video artis Korea yang dia suka sangat tengok tu), akulah mangsa dia sekarang ni. Kalau aku tak download-kan nanti dia sedih. Sebab dia memang sedih pun abang dia dah takde dekat rumah. Haritu malam sebelum abang dia pergi dia dah nangis dah. Dia nak sorok dari orang lain, dia lari masuk bilik aku lepastu pergi menangis depan aku. Sampai aku aku sekali termenangis LOL hilang macho kejap. 

Tapi tiap-tiap malam pun dia nangis lepastu, jadi aku pun kesian lah dekat dia. Aku tak rajin download-download benda-benda KPop ni sebenarnya melainkan kalau itu FT Island hikhik. Tapi FT Island tu pun Apid jugak yang kenalkan dekat aku sebenarnya, so semuanya salah Apid sekarang ni HAHAHA.

Anyway, nah baca mesej dari Lily yang dia hantar time aku tengah jawab test dekat dewan peperiksaan.

"Kakak tolong download lagu kim jong kook - don't be nice to me"

Balik dari test aku terus carik lagu ni dekat youtube dan voila! Aku pun tersuka lagu ni sebab sedap pulak. Boleh tahan Lily ni, LOL.

Kbye, sedih sekarang sobsobs.


Sashimi Story

I fulfilled two of my cravings today, and visited new places, and spent little money. Thank you from the bottom of my rugged heart, so much. I hope my determination to walk with you the whole day was enough to repay everything that you did for me. 

My lunch

McDonald's Hotcake with iced Milo and Hashbrown --> My breakfast

If I die tomorrow, I die a happy lady.